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Triangulation Indiegogo Campaign!

Click here–> Triangulation Kickstarter

Parsec Ink (a subsidiary of Parsec, Inc.) is running an Indiegogo campaign to raise money to promote the new SF/F/H short story anthology called Triangulation: Lost Voices. Due out in July 2015, this is a very nice collection of short stories from writers all over. This selection of 21 stories is the best from 450 submissions! Check out the campaign to learn about our illustrious editor, Jamie Lackey Stefko, and discover the valuable rewards for being one of the first to contribute.

“Wild Food” presentation

Acquired Taste is a Pittsburgh-based food-themed reading series, held at various locations, each featuring several local or traveling authors. On Friday, May 29th, at 7 p.m., Acquired Taste presents “Wild Food” at The Smiling Moose on East Carson Street, featuring readings by Aubrey Hircsh and Mark Brazaitis, plus a tale of psychic apocalypse in miniature rock-opera form, “Bonnie Wipes It All Clean”, by perennial Pittsburgh art punks Tecumseh EQs. All attendees will receive a limited addition copy of the libretto. The band is fronted by mustachioed Parsec devotee Douglas “Pete” Gwilym.

Poetry Workshop at Confluence 2015

Confluence 2015 will feature something new: a speculative poetry workshop. Submit an SF or fantasy composition (up to 100 lines) and improve it with the assistance of published poets including:

Timons Esaias – Herb Kauderer – Geoff Landis – Mary Soon Lee – Mary Turzillo – Stephanie Wytovich

The workshop will also provide advice on finding markets, and an opportunity to read your work to a small circle of other poets. Registration is limited to 12 participants, so register early by writing to Please include POETRY WORKSHOP in the subject line.

Story sold

Larry Ivkovich has sold his fantasy short story, “The Three Stages of Atsushi,” to the new Scottish genre magazine, Shoreline of Infinity. He’s also had his short story, “The Demon on the Mountain,” accepted for the upcoming SF anthology, Beyond the Karman Line from Laurel Highlands Publishing.

Parsec short story contest

The Parsec Short Story Contest is now closed to submissions. We received 189 stories. We’ll be sending the top eight on to the judges for consideration. Prizes are $200, $100 and $50 for the top three stories. Good luck to all submitters!

Poems published

Mary Soon Lee was the Poet of the Week at Songs of Eretz Poetry Review and they published six of her poems online. One of the poems is from “The Sign of the Dragon,” Mary’s epic fantasy poetry sequence and may be read here. Another poem from that sequence appeared in Uppagus and may be read  here: Pigeon. Two other poems from the sequence were printed (actually printed on paper, not online) in Tales of the Talisman. Mary has an antiquated website at