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The Sigma newsletter is a once-monthly newsletter for all Parsec programs; Monthly Meetings, Confluence, Parsec Ink/Triangulation, Parsec Short Story contest and Write or Die (Workshop Committee). Occasionally we also send special announcement newsletters.

Parsec members receive FREE advertising in the Sigma newsletter for the current membership year!*

Advertising in the Sigma newsletter is available for non-members for a small fee. If you are not a current member of Parsec, please use this [Ad Submission & Payment Form] to submit your ad and payment.

  • email document files as an .rtf, .txt or .doc format attachment.
  • email image/graphic files as jpg, gif, or png attachment.
  • DO NOT Send a PDF of your text or graphics. We cannot use PDF files for the newsletter.


This page is constantly being updated. Some links to past issues of Sigma may be broken.
Please bear with our volunteer site administrator as they take time from their personal life to hunt down the files, upload them to the website and then link them to the issue number they belong with.



Issue 133, February 1997

Other issues of the Sigma may be found on Greg Armstrong’s Sigma newsletter page.

*A Membership Year runs from March 1st to the last day of Feb each year.