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Parsec Ink: Triangulation

Call for Submissions and Guidelines

Theme for 21st anthology: Hospitium:
Hospitium is a Greco-Roman concept of hospitality, where both the guest and host have an obligation to treat the other with kindness and respect, regardless of external quarrels. We’re looking for outstanding fantasy, science fiction, weird fiction, and speculative horror from both new and established writers.

What would the Red Wedding look like between allied planets vying for domination of the solar system?

Perhaps a journey into Lovecraftian territory… Eat, Pray, Sacrifice?

A parlay between the Elves and Orcs?

Who is the Anthony Bourdain of outer space?

How does a dragon with a gluten allergy react when a sentient mushroom offers their finest fermented ale?

Dazzle us with interactions we have yet to dream of.

Submission Requirements

Submissions Open: December 1st, 2023

Submissions Close: February 29th, 2024

Word Count: We will consider fiction up to 5,000 words, but the sweet spot is 3,000. There is no minimum word count. Stories over 5000 words will be rejected unread.

Genre: We accept science fiction, fantasy, and horror–and enjoy intelligent blends of the three. Stories without a speculative element will not be considered.

We love creative interpretations of our themes, but we do require the stories to be a solid fit.

No unsolicited reprints, multiple submissions, or simultaneous submissions. If we reject a story before the end of the reading period, feel free to send another.

No fanfic.

No hate-ist stories (or any other -ist), stories with suicide, religious proselytizing or excessive, unwarranted violence.

We will accept mature content only if we like the story and find the content to be integral to the story.

Please include a short third-person bio with your submission.

Poetry Guidelines: No minimum or maximum number of lines, but poems of more than 100 lines will have to be extraordinary to find a place in the anthology. Same Submittable link as prose submissions.

Manuscript Format: Please use the Shunn Modern industry-standard manuscript format. We’re not testing you or trying to make you jump through hoops, but we do want a manuscript that is easy to read.

We reserve the right to reject a story if it does not adhere to our formatting guidelines.

We accept manuscripts in the following formats: .doc or .docx (MS Word) .rtf (Rich Text Format — generic document format that most word processors can create).

How We Choose

New as well as established authors with a list of accomplishments are welcome to submit. It’s going to be the story that wins us over! Grab us by the lapels, drag us on to that plane, take us for the ride of our lives… but get us back on the ground safely and home in time for dinner.

We aim to read submissions as they are received. If a story doesn’t work for us, we reject it. If we think the story has great potential but isn’t quite there yet, we may request a rewrite. The stories we love the most, we hold on to for further consideration until we have our final lineup, at which time final acceptances are sent out.

Once a story is accepted, we may suggest minor and/or cosmetic changes.

Response: Final decisions are made by April 30.

Eligibility: All writers; including those who are known or related to the editorial staff, may submit to Triangulation.

If Your Story Is Accepted

Prose Compensation: We pay a minimum of 3¢ per word. Payment will be either via PayPal or check. $5 minimum payout.

Poetry Compensation: We pay 25 cents per line. Payment will be either via PayPal or check. $5 minimum payout.

Rights: We purchase first North American serial rights, Spanish language rights, audio and electronic rights for the downloadable version(s). All subsidiary rights are released upon publication.

How to Submit

Electronic submissions make our lives easier. Please upload your story via Submittable. If this is your first time using Submittable, you will need to create an account with them. Don’t worry, it’s free.

Good luck!

Greg Clumpner & Brandon Ketchum 2024 Parsec Ink Triangulation co-editors

Questions? Contact us:

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