It’s been almost a year in the making, and finally, Triangulation: Extinction is finished.
The goal with this anthology was to build on the foundation Dark Skies had laid down for environmental activism, and I think we’ve achieved that goal. Species extinction and the loss of biodiversity are pressing issues, and what better way to bring awareness to them than with speculative fiction?
We received over 400 submissions and broke last year’s number of submissions by a landslide. It’s so heartening to see authors from around the world rally around a common cause, putting their skills to work for something they believe in.
From those 400 stories, we chose 27 to make up Triangulation: Extinction, clocking in at just about 200 pages of quality, environmentally aware, speculative fiction. Plus, wonderful cover art and interior illustrations from Katerina Kireeva.
This anthology couldn’t have been possible without the help of our great junior editors and consulting staff, all named within the pages. Thank you to everyone for helping make this vision a reality.
Read and enjoy:
Isaac E. Payne