Date: Sat Feb 20, 2021
Time: 1:00pm
Presentation Info:
Marie Vibbert on How Not to Sell Your First Novel
“Galactic Hellcats had an unusual journey as a novel, starting out as something I wrote in a spiral notebook when I was fifteen, and finally selling off of a tweet when I was forty-five. Along the way there were many lessons on how not to become a writer.”

Marie Vibbert Bio
Besides selling over sixty short stories to top markets such as Analog and F&SF, Marie Vibbert has sold poetry and comics and video games. She played O-line and D-line for the Cleveland Fusion women’s tackle football team. Her work has been translated into French, Chinese, and Vietnamese, and was called “..the embodiment of what science fiction should be…” by The Oxford Culture Review.
The deadline for the February Issue #429
of Sigma is due Sunday 2/8/21
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