Hello Parsec-sff, Confluence and Parsec Ink people!
There are lots of great changes happening within the Parsec Inc. organization.
In January 2022, our new Parsec Program Committee meeting co-chairs will be Scot Noel and Jane Noel from DreamForge Magazine of Science and Fantasy Fiction!
Welcome Scot and Jane!
We look forward to seeing the programming you schedule for us during 2022!
Jane Noel is the Founder of Chroma Studios, a digital marketing agency located in Jeannette PA. She holds a degree in Visual Communications from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and more years of experience than she cares to count. Before founding CME, Jane worked as an Artist, Art Lead, Art Director, and Project Manager for the computer game developer DreamForge Intertainment, where she worked on a number of early computer games, including Roger Zelazny’s Chronomaster. Jane manages Illustration, Design, and Layout for DreamForge Anvil and DreamForge Magazine.
Scot Noel is a content writer and content manager for websites, blogs, social media, e-newsletters, and the like. Speculative fiction has always been his obsession, resulting in a Writers of the Future 2nd place win in 1990, a 7-year career in computer game development, and a handful of published stories, ranging from far future and zombie fiction to the tale of a fairy sheriff fighting an evil dragon. He serves as the editor and publisher of DreamForge Anvil and DreamForge Magazine.
Parsec Ink’s 2022 Triangulation anthology is now OPEN to submissions!

Theme: Energy
Submissions close: February 28, 2022
Submission information can be found on the parsecink.com website: https://parsecink.com/index.php/2021/11/27/triangulation-energy-call-for-submissions/
Our Board of Directors has changed!
Our NEW Board is moving forward to bring Parsec members more information about everything happening within the organization.
Which leads us to . . .
Parsec Inc now has two groups.io groups to help you get information on ALL Parsec standing committee programming faster and easier!
Parsec Announce is for anyone!
An announcement-only, moderated email group. Members cannot send messages to each other, only to the moderators. This group will be used similar to the newsletters so you get your information faster and can respond to the moderators with questions.
Sign up asap to get the scoop on Confluence, Parsec Ink publishing, and other great Parsec programming.
Use this link to Apply For Membership In The Group: https://parsecinc.groups.io/g/ParsecAnnounce
Parsec Talk is for Parsec members only!
A chat email group for members of Parsec. Members can send messages that everyone receives, including the Board of Directors.
Use this link to Apply For Membership In The Group: https://parsecinc.groups.io/g/ParsecTalk
Check your Parsec membership status through the Google Doc database: HERE
If you need to renew your Parsec membership or want to become a Parsec member, annual dues are only $25.00! All dues go to support Parsec programs. Use the Parsec website form: https://parsec-sff.org/membership-form-2/
The form uses PayPal for payment processing. You do not need to have a PayPal account, just a credit or debit card.
Or you can mail your check to:
Parsec – Membership
PO Box 3681
Pittsburgh PA 15230-3681
There will be no Parsec Holiday Party or Zoom meeting in Dec 2021.
Unfortunately we do not have a location to hold an in-person party and there is little interest in trying a Zoom party again this year.