Pittsburgh-created ‘music and multimedia hybrid’, Evenings in Quarantine: The Zombie Opera, which premiered in 2010, is proud to send an open invitation to join us in celebrating their Five-Year Anniversary at Mr. Smalls Theater in Millvale on October 3rd, 2015.
Scheduled festivities:
- Doors will open at 6, with DJ music by DJ Circuitry aka zombie makeup designer Arvin Clay.
- At 7 pm, cast members of the Zombie Opera will reiterate some of their feature pieces from the performance, as well as some pieces from recent and upcoming projects.
- At 8 pm, The grand feature of the evening will be the first public screening of the Fall 2010 premiere performance of Evenings In Quarantine: The Zombie Opera. (also available on dvd with Audio Commentary*) If you’ve never seen the opera, seats will be available in the front of the theater for uninterrupted viewing.
- In addition to the scheduled festivities, never before seen behind-the-scenes footage from the filming and production of the 2010 performance will be running continuously throughout the event.
This is an all-ages event, with a cash bar area in the back of the theater. Food will be available for purchase at the Mr. Smalls Restaurant.
All Zombie Opera participants (folks who were involved with the show from 2010-2011, our extras, cast, crew, volunteers etc) get in FREE. There is a $5 cover charge for non-Zoperans, aka general admission.
*Dvd, audio recordings, and more can be purchased online. They will also have physical copies of the dvd for sale on site at the event!
For more information see the Zombie Opera website and Facebook Event Page!