Post event report by Matt Snyder
About 40 people gathered for spooky stories and drinks on Tuesday Oct 24, 2024 at Hop Farm Brewing Company in Lawrenceville. Special guest author Jamie Lackey read her short stories “Mischief Night,” “Joining the Flock,” and the opening from her book, Moving Forward: A Novella of Life After Zombies, as well as the prologue to her new novel, Toil and Trouble: A Pride and Prejudice Retelling.
Nine other authors and members of the Write or Die (WorD) critique group shared stories at the mic, telling tales of crossing the veil, gruesome dates, the bonds we share with our pets, and life lessons on the importance of caltrops.
A huge shout-out to all our author readers: Greg Clumpner, John Muth, Jessica Carver, Randall Brock (aka BS Prophet), Joyce Bevc, Shannon Cross, Laine Wilson, Brandon Ketchum, and Matt Snyder. We also salute our Emcee/Grand Inquisitor Vincent Baverso, who kept the event flowing with characteristic humor and chocolate crosses.
Many hands and minds made the event possible, so additional shout-outs to: John Muth, for helping organize; Karen Yun-Lutz, for making the advertisements; Laine Wilson, for arranging the prize baskets; all those who donated to the door prize baskets; all those who contributed ideas and suggestions; and all those who came before and made this event happen in the past. It was truly a group effort. Thank you!

Special thanks to Hop Farm Brewing Company for hosting our Write or Die reading event!

Emcee: Vince Baverso

Coordinator: Matt Snyder

Special Guest author:
Jamie Lackey
You’re Invited!

Come on out for a great evening of spooky, Halloween readings by members of the Write or Die writing and critique group and the special guest author, Jamie Lackey!
Dress up if you like but costumes are optional.
Door prizes!
Date: Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Time: 7-9 pm
Location: Hop Farm Brewing Company. 5601 Butler St. Pittsburgh
Write or Die (WorD) recently became part of the workshop program under the Parsec 501(c)(3) organization. Show your support for this important Parsec program by attending!
Jamie Lackey lives in Pittsburgh with her husband and their cats. She has had over 200 short stories published in places like Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Apex Magazine, and Escape Pod. In addition to writing, she spends her time reading, playing tabletop RPGs, and hiking.
Jamie is also an attending member of the Write or Die, writing and critique group.