The Parsec meeting date has changed to the third Sunday of the Month 12:00 Noon to 4:30 PM at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, Squirrel Hill Branch, starting this month, March 18, 2018, and moving forward.
At this month meeting, we will discuss possible topics for the Parsec annual science fiction conference, Confluence.
Please come to meet, discuss, and propose topics for consideration on Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror in all guises and forms. Yes, even haiku, board games, and pop-up books are fair game.
The hard copy mailed edition of Sigma will no longer be produced or mailed after the April 2018 issue. The cost of reproduction and postage has not been covered by the Parsec budget for many years. To keep costs manageable it is necessary to keep the mailing edition size to five pages double-sided. The amount of ink required for the print Sigma requires that images must be desaturated and reduced, or in many cases eliminated entirely. Further, the workload to collate and send the monthly mailing falls to the same small group of people which is a monthly scheduling and financial burden. We thank them so much for their dedication and work for all these years.
If you do not receive a copy of the Digital Edition of Sigma and wish to receive one, please send your email address and name to Thanks for your understanding and we are working to make Sigma a great publication to represent the ongoing mission of Parsec.