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Book Signing March 12, 2016

Flyer for websiteParsec invites you to a book signing at Assemble on March 12 from 7:00 – 9:00pm. Authors who will be there with their books include:

Mary Soon Lee (Crowned)
Larry Ivkovich (The Sixth Precept, Blood of the Daxas, Reunion at Olan)
Jamie Lackey (One Revolution, Moving Forward, The Living Dead 2)
Joshua Bellin (Survival Colony 9)
Jacqueline Druga
Barton Paul Levenson (The Celibate Succubus, I Will)
Linda Ciletti
Christie Meierz
Ed Kelemen (Pennsylvania’s Haunted Route 30, Pennsylvania’s Haunted Route 22, We Don’t Talk about Those Kinds of Things–The Making of a Psychic, The Little Drummer Girl of Gettysburg)
Parsec Ink (Triangulation: Lost Voices, Steel Cities, Parch, Morning After, etc.)

Mary Soon Lee-crownedLarry Ivkovich The Sixth PreceptJamie Lackey-One RevolutionJoshua Bellin-Survival Colony 9Barton - celebate succubusEd Keleman-haunted rt 302015 Lost Voices